ie: Immune Pure Essential Oil Blend 10mL
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An effective blend of Eucalyptus, Lemon, Marjoram and Sandalwood pure essential oils which have been traditionally used in aromatherapy to relieve mild fever, runny nose, sore throat and other symptoms of the common cold & flu.
Adults and Children 12 years and over
Diffuse: Add 6-9 drops (0.2mL-0.3mL) to the water in your diffuser.
Massage: Add 6 Drops to (0.2mL) 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.
Eeach ml contains Pure Essential Oils from; Citrus Limon (Lemon) fruit peel, Eucalyptus Globulus (Eeucalyptus) leaves & branches, Origanum Majorana (Sweet Marjoram) leaves, Santalum Spicatun (Australian Sandalwood) Heartwood